@42manako I mean, just show off the range of voices and characters you can do! Different emotions, personalities, etc! You can ask in the Audio Forum as well, I bet they’ll have tips for making a voice demo!
DeviantArt (main): https://www.deviantart.com/manakochanart
Age 25, Other
Artist and aspiring
Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Joined on 9/14/21
@42manako I mean, just show off the range of voices and characters you can do! Different emotions, personalities, etc! You can ask in the Audio Forum as well, I bet they’ll have tips for making a voice demo!
Can I hear some voice demos? I'm currently working on a project and my ideas of some characters' voices aren't solidified yet. I'd love to see if you and your accent would sound good for one of them!
I'm so sorry for the really really late reply
What kind of things should I say in the demo?